Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products
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Crazy K Farm Poul
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Tobi Kosanke, Ph.D., the Founder of Crazy K Farm, is a professional geologist. While working for a major oil company, she largely telecommuted to care for her ill daughter. When a new manager forced her to choose between her career and her child, she chose her child - and while staying home to care for her daughter she reinvented herself as a successful entrepreneur.

In 2009, Dr. Kosanke turned her hobby of inventing items to improve the lives of the many rescue animals on her farm into a business that helps pet owners enrich the lives of their pets. Dr. Kosanke's vision for her company was to help pet owners enrich the lives of their pets, from dogs to chickens, which in turn promotes healthy and safe interaction and increases a family’s joy of their pet. 

Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products, LLC is a social venture for Dr. Kosanke. She donates a portion of profits to Crazy K Poultry and Livestock, a non-profit animal rescue and sanctuary. She also donates 10% of profits from sales of her "Awareness Pink"-colored items to charities that provide breast cancer screening and treatment to women who can’t afford it, and 10% of profits from sales of her Avian Haven hut to The Alex Foundation to improve our understanding of the cognitive ability and needs of pet birds.